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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Author: Earthaven Admin Team

Local Economics at Work: Earthaven’s Bizarre Bazaar

by River Otter Earthaven’s annual holiday Bazaar is one of our community’s focal points for creating economics on the village scale. Each year in December, Earthaven members, neighbors, friends and visitors gather in the Council Hall for an afternoon of food, fun, games, and holiday vending. This...

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Diana Leafe Christian Teaches at Findhorn

In October Earthaven’s international community researcher and advocate Diana Leafe Christian gave workshops and consultations to several intentional communities in England, and co-led a workshop on Sociocracy at Findhorn Community in Scotland with her teacher and mentor, John Buck, the man who brought...

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VT Gets a Solar Upgrade

by Bob Lienhart Village Terraces Cohousing Neighborhood just completed a multi-faceted upgrade to their power, heating, and domestic hot water (DHW) systems and the neighborhood is now enjoying the results. Domestic hot water for the main building had been provided by a wood-burning stove. The system...

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Rural Academy Theater

Horse-pulled Theater, Bicycle-powered Cinema, & Live Orchestra at Earthaven! In horse-pulled wagons stocked with a bicycle-powered silent cinema, an Appalachian-balkan-brass-klezmer-dixieland-string ensemble, kinetic sculpture and their signature low-tech theater appliances, the Rural Academy...

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Earthaven Fire Warden Starts Fire

by Arjuna da Silva Who better to start a fire than the “fire warden” of your local safety committee? My neighbor, Marjorie, stood firewoman duty around a burn of dead and diseased tree stock and other brush that she and neighbor Gaspar recently set on an overcast day that promised to rain … sooner...

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