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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Author: Courtney Brooke

Courtney Brooke (she/her) is an ancestor who was a Social Ecologist, Regenerative Designer, and educator whose work aims to reconnect people with a sense of belonging to place. Her work in the world aims to address the root cause of today’s overwhelming ecological challenges – that humans are starved of a sense of belonging to the places they live. Courtney Brooke was raised on a small farm in North Georgia, and has been guided by a lifetime of living close to the land. Her greatest teachers have been the Appalachian Mountains, the land of Aotearoa, and Selu, the Corn Mother. She holds a degree in Ecology from the Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, and has 10 years of experience facilitating earth-based education, ecological landscape design, women’s rites of passage, and cultural healing. Courtney Brooke has taught and facilitated environmental education curriculum, Deep Ecology, Permaculture Design Courses, hands-on craft and farming workshops, and Holistic Management to a wide range of audiences in nine countries from toddlers to adults and everyone in between. Deeply committed to spreading the healing that comes from belonging to the places we live, Courtney Brooke is passionate about designing learning opportunities that celebrate life. She lives at Earthaven Ecovillage where she tends the land, raises food, participates in communal ritual agriculture, swims in wild water, enjoys the mysterious blessing of being alive, and tends her own wild Hearth. She loves cooking home-grown and wild foraged foods, playing her flute to the sunrise, running on mountain trails, making compost piles, crafting from natural materials, and bringing people together to create beauty that feeds the holy.

Hut Hamlet Work Project: Ferrocement Cistern Tank Gets an Upgrade

Transcript of Hut Hamlet Work Project: Ferrocement Cistern Tank Gets an Upgrade Good morning on the cusp of spring and summer. Today is an exciting day. Not only is it my favorite little person’s first birthday, but also we’re having a neighborhood work party to continue building...

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Why have a lawn? When you can have this? Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Why have a lawn when you can have this….? There are so many pollinators out here. Honeybees and I see three different kinds of butterflies. I mean I’m just seeing hundreds of pollinators around me right now. I’m sitting in this patch of...

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Solar Hot Water at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video): Courtney Brooke: Good morning Zev. Zev: Good morning. Courtney Brooke: What are you doing? Zev: I just took the cover off our solar hot water panel. It was covered for the winter and now the sun is hitting it. I let water in and that’s going to be heating water up...

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Take up all the parking spaces with Cover Crop: Rye & Vetch at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Good morning! Happy Beltane! Remember all that rye? It was like taller than my head. This is all it there in the background. It got mowed down. The awesome thing about this rye is that it’ a cover crop. So the cover crop here is rye and vetch and they grow...

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Life Advice for Your 20 Year Old Self with Steve Torma at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke: Hi Steve. Steve: Hi. Courtney Brooke:  I was just noticing you know in my life the longing for more mentorship and elders. So I’ve been asking some people in my life who are who are more experienced and farther along the journey. If you could give...

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Elderberries with Lyndon at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Elderberry Mother Plant and Rootings Lyndon: Hello everyone. This is a rooting that we did from a plant called the Magnolia Elderberry. It has nothing to do with magnolia plant. It’s just a variety name. We keep them in water for a while and change out the water two...

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Mulching with Leon from Full Circle Farm at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke:  Good Morning Leon. What are you doing? Leon: We are mulching. You take the cover crop and we’re spreading it out so no weeds will grow through. And no sun will hit the ground. And we’re gonna move this greenhouse onto it. Then plant some...

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