Author: Diana Leafe Christian
Author of Creating a Life Together, Diana speaks at ecovillage and cohousing conferences, offers consultations for communities, and leads workshops and online trainings internationally. She also is an instructor for Earthaven's School of Integrated Living's Earthaven Ecovillage Experience Weekend ( and Earthaven Ecovillage Experience Week (
Diana Leafe Christian at Findorn
Earthaven is unlike almost every other North American ecovillage I know of, because it’s a village within a village. Our 329-acre property is surrounded by adjacent and nearby neighbors and friends who participate in and contribute to our developing ecovillage...
Economics–Why It’s The Short Leg of the Stool
Written by Diana Leafe Christian on . Posted in Articles, Village Economics. No Comments on Economics–Why It’s The Short Leg of the Stool
On Friday morning, March 15, with lots of lively group engagement and drawings on the whiteboard, we were treated to a two-hour seminar on basic economic realities by Earthaven member Lee Warren.
“An economy is the interactions and exchanges between people that manage the flow of resources among...
Earthaven’s New Decision-Making Method
Written by Diana Leafe Christian on . Posted in Governance and Legal. 1 Comment on Earthaven’s New Decision-Making Method
Because increasing numbers of members over the last several years have been dissatisfied with our consensus decision-making method, in October 2012 Earthaven agreed to modify its consensus process. For 18 years we used consensus-with-unanimity, which requires 100% agreement (not counting...
Founding Day Parade 2011
Written by Diana Leafe Christian on . Posted in Families and Children, Fun and Play. No Comments on Founding Day Parade 2011
On Sunday, September 11, I heard music and drumming in the distance on Another Way, the road in front of our house.
The Founding Day parade was marching down the road from the direction of our front gate. Banners, flags, drums, people smiling and waving.
Every year we celebrate our birthday —...
Forest Garden Neighborhood, July 20, 2010
Written by Diana Leafe Christian on . Posted in Families and Children, Persimmon Grove. No Comments on Forest Garden Neighborhood, July 20, 2010
Chioke, Amakiasu, & Ayo in Forest Garden Neighborhood
On her next-to-last day at Earthaven, our Forest Children’s Collective tutor Amakiasu (center), and her kids Chioke, 17 (left) and Ayo, 13 (right), sheet-mulched the slope between Greg’s homesite and our place with cardboard...