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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Author: Lee Warren

Lee Warren is reclaiming wisdom through conscious relating with self, land, and others. She has 25 years of experience envisioning, designing, and living innovative solutions to mutually empowered relationships, land-based food systems, residential community, non-violent communication, and sustainability education. She is the principal and founder of Reclaiming Wisdom, a co-founder of SOIL, School of Integrated Living, and a proponent of regenerative systems, consent culture, and authentic living. Lee is a writer, teacher, and activist, with a passion for embodiment practices, rural wisdom, sustainable economics, conscious dying, and community of all kinds.

The Journey of the New Root at Earthaven Ecovillage

Earthaven’s membership committee started this process six months ago in February of 2021. We’ve been asking ourselves for years how to best represent the journey of membership at Earthaven from the very first contact to the settling in as a full member. Understanding that journey...

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Interview with Lee Warren on Relational Leadership

Video Interview   Transcript on Interview with Lee Warren on Relational Leadership Courtney Brooke: Hi, folks. It’s Courtney Brooke of Earthaven EcoVillage. And I’m here with dear friend Lee Warren, who is here to talk with us about a beautiful upcoming offering that she...

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Interview with Lee Warren on End-of-Life Paperwork & Literacy Workshop

Video Interview with Lee Warren   Transcript of Interview with Lee Warren Courtney Brooke (CB): Hi folks, I’m here with Lee Warren. Hi Lee. Lee: Hi Courtney Brooke. CB: Good to be with you and we’re here to talk about an exciting upcoming offering through Earthaven Ecovillage...

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Looking forward to Compassion Camp 2021 with Steve & Terrie at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from Video: Steve: Hi folks! This is Steve Torma from Asheville, North Carolina and Earthaven Ecovillage. Terrie: I’m Terrie LeWine and I’m from Philadelphia and I’m at Earthaven Ecovillage. Steve: So, here we are today, spring equinox. We’re sitting here with...

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Laura, a Compassion Camp at Earthaven Ecovillage Participant in 2019, Impact Statement

Transcript from video: Laura: Hi, I’m Laura. I just want to speak about my experience at compassion camp 2019 because I’m definitely going back to 2020! It far exceeded all my expectations. It was amazing; learning, food, we did dancing, and singing, we had a fire at night. Singing...

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“I couldn’t do anything wrong” Compassion Camp at Earthaven Ecovillage with Alan Muskat

Transcript from video: Alan: I’m Alan Muskat and I’ve been to the first two Compassion Camps. I can’t wait for the next because I haven’t experienced anything like it-  besides going to the actual international NVC training when, for days at a time, I felt completely...

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Compassion Camp 2021 using NVC with Steve Torma at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Steve: Hey, folks..I really want to invite you to join us for compassion camp this summer, July 15 through 18  2021 at Earthaven Ecovillage. If you haven’t heard of compassion camp before this is our third time doing it and it has some features to it that i just...

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Five of my favorite moments at Earthaven Ecovillage with Steve Torma

Transcript from Video: Hi folks, my name’s Steve Torma, and I’m coming to you from Earthaven Ecovillage. I’d like to share with you five of my favorite moments of being here at Earthaven since the beginning really. The probably the first one that comes to my mind is the first...

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