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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Hut Hamlet Installs New Electric MicroGrid by Chris Farmer

by Chris Farmer Brandon and Farmer with the microgrid solar panels In June, residents of the Hut Hamlet became owners/users of the first electric microgrid at Earthaven! Chris Farmer designed the grid with help from Brandon Greenstein. Code for mastering, monitoring and metering usage was written...

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Goodbye to Brian Love

We are saddened to report that Earthaven Member Brian Love passed away in March of 2015. Brian contributed enormously to the agricultural and technological development of our community, contributed countless hours of creative design, planning, management and physical labor to land-based and building...

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Can We Slow Down?

by Arjuna da Silva When Camp Elliott Road was still unpaved, in dry spells we had to crawl “like the Elliotts” so cars and homes wouldn’t be enveloped in clouds of dust. We agreed to the paving for that reason, but ease brings speed, and attempts to self-regulate to 10 mph or less have been spotty. We’ve...

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Beauty on the Bridge – A Wonder of the World!

by Gaspar Robles   I took on the bridge project because I had a vision of a thing of beauty at the crossroads of our community. My plans originally included more extensive stonework, but in the end I settled for a strong and simple foundation with a pyramid at one end. I collected stones for...

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Loveletter Corner

Georgia Papadakis spent a few months with the Medicine Wheel Collective last year and sent this sweet note from her travels… Hey there, People of Earthaven, This is my belated goodbye. Dominator culture maintains that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” or that personal growth stems most...

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Back at the White Owl… Again!

by Arjuna da Silva   After some time as a private residence and then, well, kind of sad and empty, the White Owl is once again being used for special events, including a Middle Eastern-themed feast and supper club with chef Carleigh O’Donnell, shown here forming pita bread, with chef’s helper...

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Our Rosetta Turns 99!

By Diana Leafe Christian Earthaven member Rosetta Neff celebrated her 99th birthday here January 3, 2015. She may be the world’s oldest ecovillager! When Rosetta began visiting Earthaven with her daughter, Diana, in October, 2000, both were living an hour away In Polk County. They had been...

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