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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Autumn Equinox And End-Of-Life Workshop

As we pass through the autumn equinox, we can see the seasonal change in our Appalachian forest home. Bees are feasting on the goldenrod flowers, sumac leaves are turning red, and acorns are falling. At autumn equinox, we celebrate our harvests of squash and corn, and also the ways we have...

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The Journey of the New Root at Earthaven Ecovillage

Earthaven’s membership committee started this process six months ago in February of 2021. We’ve been asking ourselves for years how to best represent the journey of membership at Earthaven from the very first contact to the settling in as a full member. Understanding that journey...

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Healthy Relationships

I believe many of us desire healthy, engaged, dynamic, alive, and supportive relationships. I know that I do. I’ve noticed that when I have a strong sense of self and can name what I want and need, things tend to go better in my relationships. And yet, I still do those all too...

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My House Got Plastered!

It’s a long-time Earthaven Ecovillage tradition. When a house is ready for its exterior plaster coating, we have a big party and invite all our friends. Dozens of Earthaven houses have gotten their pretty exterior face that way. It makes the work much more fun and the project goes way...

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