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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Busting the Myth That Consensus-with-Unanimity is Good for Communities

by Diana Leafe Christian Many consensus trainers tell us consensus-with-unanimity is good for communities. It creates a sense of trust and connection, a sense of harmony, they say, since everyone’s agreement is first required to pass a proposal. Though I believed this for years, I no longer do. I...

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News from the Village – A Recent Visit from Michael Dowd

Evolutionary evangelist and author Rev. Michael Dowd visited Earthaven recently on a Southeastern tour. In presentations on May 18 and 19 he provided important input on two of the most critical issues facing us as an ecovillage: How do we deal with our inner and interpersonal realities so we can...

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Lessons in Bamboo: Love it but Don’t Leave it Alone

by Arjuna da Silva Previous owners gifted Earthaven’s main street with a healthy stand of bamboo that’s now prolific near the Forest Garden Learning Center. Early Earthaven members added additional stands around the community. What a beautiful and useful plant (we thought)! Bamboo IS...

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Thank You, Transition Towns!

By Diana Leafe Christian, Earthaven Airspinner Some of my friends in Ashland, Oregon celebrating their town’s Transition Initiative with a parade and floats!           The way I see it, Transition Towns (now called Transition Initiatives) are doing exactly what Ecovillage...

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