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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Looking forward to Compassion Camp 2021 with Steve & Terrie at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from Video: Steve: Hi folks! This is Steve Torma from Asheville, North Carolina and Earthaven Ecovillage. Terrie: I’m Terrie LeWine and I’m from Philadelphia and I’m at Earthaven Ecovillage. Steve: So, here we are today, spring equinox. We’re sitting here with...

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Laura, a Compassion Camp at Earthaven Ecovillage Participant in 2019, Impact Statement

Transcript from video: Laura: Hi, I’m Laura. I just want to speak about my experience at compassion camp 2019 because I’m definitely going back to 2020! It far exceeded all my expectations. It was amazing; learning, food, we did dancing, and singing, we had a fire at night. Singing...

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“I couldn’t do anything wrong” Compassion Camp at Earthaven Ecovillage with Alan Muskat

Transcript from video: Alan: I’m Alan Muskat and I’ve been to the first two Compassion Camps. I can’t wait for the next because I haven’t experienced anything like it-  besides going to the actual international NVC training when, for days at a time, I felt completely...

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Singing Snails And Rainbow Tails

Calling all childhood educators, teachers, counselors, parents, grandparents, and mentors. I don’t want you to miss out on this super informative (and also fun and inspiring) annual conference coming up June 18-20: Reaching Nature Connection: Singing Snails and Rainbow Tails. Singing from...

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Compassionate Communication in Community using NVC in 2021 with Steve Torma at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Hi! Steve Torma again and today I want to talk to you about my upcoming class being sponsored by School of Integrated Living.  It’s going to be September 2021 and it’s called Compassionate Communication in Community. This is one of my very favorite topics....

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Nature Connection with the Academy for Forest Kindergarten Teachers

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast Nature Connection with the Academy for Forest Kindergarten Teachers Broadcast May 11, 2021Featuring: Erin Boehme, Kelly Villarruel, Lia Grippo Synopsis In this podcast, Academy of Forest Kindergarten directors Erin Boehme, Kelly Villarruel, and Lia Grippo discuss...

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It Takes A Village

We recently revamped our entire outreach process. You’re hearing more from us by email. We’re making lots of videos to share with you. And we are engaging more on social media. During our first two decades on the ground at Earthaven we didn’t have much capacity for outreach. And...

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Compassion Camp 2021 using NVC with Steve Torma at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Steve: Hey, folks..I really want to invite you to join us for compassion camp this summer, July 15 through 18  2021 at Earthaven Ecovillage. If you haven’t heard of compassion camp before this is our third time doing it and it has some features to it that i just...

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My Experiences With Permaculture

  My training with land and culture repair has fallen in the realms of deep ecology, nature connection, mentoring with the wild, wilderness awareness, and racial equity realms. Huge shout out to some of my mentors in these wisdom ways: Sobonfu Somé Warren Brush and the whole Quail...

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