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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Village School Overview with Gabriel at Earthaven Ecovillage (Three Part Series)

Part 1 Moving to the Forest Garden Gabriel: I am really excited because the village school is moving to a new location. We’re going to be out here in the forest gardens. Behind me, right here is the forest garden. An area that’s been through a million different iterations, different...

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Are We At The End Of The Experiment?

I just learned about this word: “Anthropocene,” which is a proposed geological epoch starting with “significant human impact on Earth’s geology and ecosystems,” including, but not limited to, anthropogenic climate change. I pulled that from Wikipedia. But the concept that humans are...

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Robbie Wheelock reflecting on Earthaven Ecovillage Experience Week

(Transcript from video) Hey there. I’m Robbie Wheelock. And I was a participant of the Earthaven Experience Week. Being from Asheville, and being from school at the time, that was something that I felt would be a good supplement to the education I was receiving. There was a lot of hard...

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Membership Committee Design Session at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcipt from video) Courtney Brooke: Here we are. The inside scoop in the membership education committee. So we’ve been in here just reflecting on the deep journey of what it is to come into relationship with Earthhaven. All the different phases and stages and life cycle of that whole...

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Dr. Monique Mazza’s Vermiculture Mini-Workshop. Part 2. At Earthaven Ecovillage

Dr. Monique Mazza: Hey y’all! This is Dr. Monique Mazza from Earthaven Ecovillage with part two of our vermiculture video. In the first part we already went over how to feed our worms and set them up so they’re going to be happy critters and producing worm castings for you in the...

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