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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

The secret life of permaculture at Earthaven

Patricia embraced our permaculture vision without reservation, and impressed hundreds of students and work exchangers, as witnessed by the turnout for her funeral. Meanwhile, the underpinnings and impact of those principles on everyone and everything we do at Earthaven might easily be taken for...

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Changes, Changes, All Ways, Always! 

above: The mural of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, long the entry piece to the Forest Garden, finally came down after falling into disrepair. It had been a group painting inspired and led by early member Ananda Vedanta.    Earthaven’s mission is to be a learning model of what responsible...

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Building Community Through Ritual

  Above: 2017 Ancestor Feast Altar featuring Chuck, Suchi and Kimchi   by NikiAnne Feinberg   Rituals to help land-based and regional communities process what has happened and is happening in our world are so powerful. We look to ritual to help us digest the unsavory and the...

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Stepping into 2018!

  While it’s hard to be encouraged by the way humans are utilizing planetary resources and influences, to some extent it just makes us hunker down even more, to mine those inner resources that will help us go the distance—get another project done, another plan designed, even explore another...

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Pioneering and Succession

Written by: Zev Friedman “The pioneer effort that founded Earthaven created both literal and cultural topsoil, which is now capable of supporting not only plants but the human systems it takes to successfully grow food.”   I’ve heard early members of Earthaven frequently remark that this...

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Processing pawpaws: Looking forward and looking back

    I first learned about pawpaws from Chuck Marsh. He was an enthusiastic advocate of new and under-appreciated fruit. When I became a partner in the nursery in 2010 we gathered and planted selected pawpaw varieties everywhere—his yard, at the nursery, and in Geoffrey’s and my...

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Beltaine – one of Earthaven’s favorite celebrations!

by Melissa Lemoing (aka River Otter) On Sunday, April 30, we celebrated Beltaine, or May Day, the holiday mid-way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, which celebrates the full flowering of the powerful energy of Springtime. In lighting the Bel-fire together we take part in an...

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New Micro-hydro Plant Amps Up – Adds Power for Two Neighborhoods

above: Spillway at the new micro-hydro installation.  At long last, the second micro-hydro station at Earthaven is up and running, serving the delighted residents of Medicine Wheel and Bellavia Gardens neighborhoods. Through an ingenious design by neighbor Leon Birstein, each neighborhood is...

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