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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Living in Place – Three Big Blessings of Living at Earthaven

One: Taking charge of time All it takes is a few hours out in town or on the road to re-realize how differently we live out here at Earthaven. So many basics of daily life are different; time is different. Priorities have to be different—so we’ve made quite a bit of room in our relationships and...

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Bellavia Gardens (among other neighborhoods) is Becoming a Co-op!

by Arjuna da Silva Some Earthaven neighborhoods are balancing collective and personal ownership issues by forming housing cooperatives. While used in other parts of the country, housing co-ops are new in our region and could be a reasonable model for other ecovillages, especially in rural...

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How Children Fare in Community

by Diana Leafe Christian Daniel Greenberg, who in 2015 was elected President of the Global Ecovillage Network, wrote his thesis for a Ph.D. in child psychology on the emotional well-being of children in intentional communities. He surveyed 235 or so intentional communities in the U.S. and...

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Grief Rituals in Our Communities: Partnering with our Ancestors to Compost our Grief

  Why a grief ritual? We all experience pain and loss in life – conflict, illness, disappointed dreams, broken relationships, loved ones who die or suffer, even inherited or ancestral pain…. Having healthful ways to release that pain and regularly cleanse that space inside ourselves, helps...

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Hut Hamlet Solar Microgrid Installed!

by Chris Farmer with Arjuna da Silva   The Hut Hamlet’s kitchen/bathhouse — central distribution area for the neighborhood’s Microgrid.   In June, twenty-two residents of the Hut Hamlet neighborhood became owner/users of the first electric Microgrid at Earthaven! Chris...

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Restorative Circles Conference a Success!

by Diana Leafe Christian Over a hundred people from all over the US gathered at Earthaven, June 4-7, for “Restorative Circles in Our Communities,” a conference with Restorative Circles (RC) founder Dominic Barter and facilitator/trainers Karl Stayaert and “Duke” Duchscherer. All three, as well...

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