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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Creating Culture and Community Through Ritual with Kaitlin Ilya Wolf

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast Creating Culture and Community Though Ritual with Kaitlin Ilya Wolf Broadcast July 3, 2022Featuring: Kaitlin Ilya Wolf and Sara Carter In this podcast, Kaitlin Ilya Wolf discusses how creating a cycle of annual seasonal rituals helps Earthaven ecovillagers sink...

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Healing People and the Planet with Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast Healing People and the Planet with Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati Broadcast November 1, 2021Featuring: Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati, formerly known as Dr. Rudolph Valentine, has been very committed to the integration of Eastern thought,...

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From Permaculture to Regional Mutual Aid with Zev Friedman

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast From Permaculture to Regional Mutual Aid with Zev Friedman Broadcast March 29, 2021Featuring: Zev Friedman and Diana Leafe Christian In this podcast, Zev Friedman shares how he started living and teaching permaculture at Earthaven Ecovillage, and then how that...

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Nature Connection with the Academy for Forest Kindergarten Teachers

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast Nature Connection with the Academy for Forest Kindergarten Teachers Broadcast May 11, 2021Featuring: Erin Boehme, Kelly Villarruel, Lia Grippo Synopsis In this podcast, Academy of Forest Kindergarten directors Erin Boehme, Kelly Villarruel, and Lia Grippo discuss...

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Compassionate Communication in Community Settings with Steve Torma

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast Compassionate Communication in Community Settings with Steve Torma Broadcast February 7, 2021Featuring: Steve Torma, Eric Wolf In this episode, Earthaven member and SOIL Faculty member Steve Torma discusses how nonviolent or compassionate...

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