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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Jillian’s Experience Weekend Adventure

“It is not easy to do what love requires, to abandon the security I have come to rely on. I decided to follow the advice of the Prophet Nike who said, ‘Just do it.’” – Fredd Lenn, Into the Heart of Everything A churning in my soul and a restlessness in my heart signaled to me that I needed...

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What Can We Let Go Of?

This time of year in Southern Appalachia the waning heat and waxing cold converge to produce sights, sounds, and smells unlike any other season. This weekend’s convergence was resplendent here in our village, with the red leaves of the sourwood trees and the yellow leaves of the oaks and...

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Is Place Important? – Virtual Tour

Back in the winter, I attended my friend Lee Warren’s workshop on “Place-Based Living at Earthaven Ecovillage.” She talked at length about place. Specifically, she suggested that “we are cosmological orphans” in part because we aren’t connected to place. I’ve been sitting with that...

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My Firewood Stack

At Earthaven Ecovillage, we do a lot more “chop wood, carry water” than the average American. In some ways it makes life harder and in some ways it makes life better. Taking care of the physical world so that it can take care of me helps me stay embodied, humble, and connected to this...

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Spend A Week At My Place

We will play, we will tour, we will work, we will talk, we will learn, we will connect, we will grow. If you’ve been thinking of visiting or moving or emulating or experiencing Earthaven Ecovillage, now is your chance. You will experience many aspects of our imperfect but valiant attempts...

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Are We At The End Of The Experiment?

I just learned about this word: “Anthropocene,” which is a proposed geological epoch starting with “significant human impact on Earth’s geology and ecosystems,” including, but not limited to, anthropogenic climate change. I pulled that from Wikipedia. But the concept that humans are...

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Stepping into 2018!

  While it’s hard to be encouraged by the way humans are utilizing planetary resources and influences, to some extent it just makes us hunker down even more, to mine those inner resources that will help us go the distance—get another project done, another plan designed, even explore another...

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