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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Healing People and the Planet with Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast Healing People and the Planet with Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati Broadcast November 1, 2021Featuring: Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati, formerly known as Dr. Rudolph Valentine, has been very committed to the integration of Eastern thought,...

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My House Got Plastered!

It’s a long-time Earthaven Ecovillage tradition. When a house is ready for its exterior plaster coating, we have a big party and invite all our friends. Dozens of Earthaven houses have gotten their pretty exterior face that way. It makes the work much more fun and the project goes way...

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From Permaculture to Regional Mutual Aid with Zev Friedman

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast From Permaculture to Regional Mutual Aid with Zev Friedman Broadcast March 29, 2021Featuring: Zev Friedman and Diana Leafe Christian In this podcast, Zev Friedman shares how he started living and teaching permaculture at Earthaven Ecovillage, and then how that...

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Spend A Week At My Place

We will play, we will tour, we will work, we will talk, we will learn, we will connect, we will grow. If you’ve been thinking of visiting or moving or emulating or experiencing Earthaven Ecovillage, now is your chance. You will experience many aspects of our imperfect but valiant attempts...

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Mulching with Leon from Full Circle Farm at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke:  Good Morning Leon. What are you doing? Leon: We are mulching. You take the cover crop and we’re spreading it out so no weeds will grow through. And no sun will hit the ground. And we’re gonna move this greenhouse onto it. Then plant some...

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Roadside Agroforestry in North Georgia with Courtney Brooke

(Transcript from Video) Courtney Brooke: Well, we’re not at Earthaven, but you know I’m still on planet earth and just seeing this. I’m on the side of the highway in north Georgia. I’m like driving by and I’m like:  Wow! look at those trees blooming. Then I realized...

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