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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Village Arts Building Takes Shape and You Can Help Too!

by Arjuna da Silva, Earthaven Founder and natural building enthusiast An exciting development on Another Way this year has been the slow but steady progress on the Village Arts Building (VAB). Located right before the entrance to Useful Plants Nursery and the Third Creek Crossing, the VAB is the...

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Village Arts Building – It’s a Sign!

Growing a community from the forest forward happens on so many levels. Creating decision-making protocols and gaining skill with them; discovering the lay of the land and working out site plans; developing infrastructure and sources of funding. Living with each other and deepening our connections....

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Council Hall Completion Campaign – Moving Ahead to Phase Three: We Need Your Help!

This fall we want to complete the Council Hall. We have a plan and most of the funding, but need to raise a little more money. We are all into the wisdom of ecological sustainability and intentional community, and creating a partnership culture — but it takes a lot of hard work and cash to get there....

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Natural building profile: Pokeberry

(Talk by Chris Farmer to a visitors’ tour, describing the upstairs of the new building at Village Terraces) Chris Farmer and Brian Love are the two main builders of Pokeberry Hill, a two story dwelling built using ecological principles. Farmer started by noting that many innovative building techniques...

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New Buildings Sprout Up in Spring

In April a site blessing ceremony was held for the new duplex apartment, “Pokeberry Hill,” going up at Village Terraces. The 26 ft. x 40 ft. building is being built with lumber milled from trees felled on the land. The ground floor apartment will be the home of new Earthaven and Village...

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Gateway: Solutions in the Face of Insufficiency

by Ivy Lynn The bright, creative thinking and dedicated, diligent work of Chris Farmer and Brian Love are the stuff of future Earthaven legends. Folks are always wanting to know what amazing things they’ve been up to. Considering their plan for Gateway Field, we will probably not be disappointed,...

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News from Council Hall

By Ivy Lynn In our Council Hall, the new and gorgeous, luminescent granite and marble mosaic floor is finally finished! The design for the floor was created by Jessica Evans and provided an opportunity for Earthaven to support sweat equity by approval of Jessica’s proposal to barter half her...

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At the top of Suncatcher Way

Geoff and Sue Stone came to Earthaven years ago with visions of building a typically Southwestern, passive solar “earthship” as their environmentally sustainable home. After experimenting with techniques by building a community root cellar in the Village Center, they went on to create...

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