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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

‘Tis the Season of the Students

by NikiAnne Feinberg   Several weekends in a row this past April, we had the pleasure of hosting college groups from the College of Charleston, Furman University, and Elon University. We dig bamboo, but how many shoots can we eat?! Bamboo needs maintenance to keep it from overextending its...

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Loving Acres’ New Vision

by Banyan Freier Note to Reader: This neighborhood is referred to on the website as Dancing Shiva. The Loving Acres neighborhood began in the late 1990s with six folks who started the project and then decided to move closer to the center of Earthaven activity and build at Village Terraces...

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Lessons in Bamboo: Love it but Don’t Leave it Alone

by Arjuna da Silva Previous owners gifted Earthaven’s main street with a healthy stand of bamboo that’s now prolific near the Forest Garden Learning Center. Early Earthaven members added additional stands around the community. What a beautiful and useful plant (we thought)! Bamboo IS...

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In Praise of Inefficiency by Kimchi Rylander

by Kimchi Rylander Unplugging from consumer culture, living simply and building community . . . it’s not an easy path! As I review my past ten years here at Earthaven, I’ve discovered that letting go of efficiency may be a shortcut to village togetherness and happiness. I owe so much gratitude...

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