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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Retaining Wall Made of Tires at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Sue: So this is a tire retaining wall. We made it by taking off one of the walls, one of the sidewalls of the tires, and then turning them inside out. So they look more for the same. And I planted them with succulents and various kinds of herbs, like Thyme and Rosemary...

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Creek Repair Using Cement Blocks as Sediment Bars at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke:  Hi there. Coming to you from the sauna at Earthaven EcoVillage. And the Sauna is right by the swimming hole, which is in the creek. The thing about that is that the Creek, when it floods, erodes away the bank. Then if it erodes away too much more than it...

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Robbie Wheelock reflecting on Earthaven Ecovillage Experience Week

(Transcript from video) Hey there. I’m Robbie Wheelock. And I was a participant of the Earthaven Experience Week. Being from Asheville, and being from school at the time, that was something that I felt would be a good supplement to the education I was receiving. There was a lot of hard...

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Living Fences & Intergenerational Pruning at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney: What are y’all doing? Zev: Stone’s giving me a sawdust snack. Pruning. Courtney: What kind of tree is that? Stone: Ash. Ah it doesn’t taste like ash though. Courtney: Ash. Zev: And we’ve been pruning black locusts and mulberries and this...

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The secret life of permaculture at Earthaven

Patricia embraced our permaculture vision without reservation, and impressed hundreds of students and work exchangers, as witnessed by the turnout for her funeral. Meanwhile, the underpinnings and impact of those principles on everyone and everything we do at Earthaven might easily be taken for...

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