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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Neighbor Profile: Leon Birstein and Geni Stephenson, of Full Circle Family Farm

Just outside Earthaven’s main entrance lies the homestead farm of Geni Stephenson and Leon Birstein. Like many of our neighbors, Geni and Leon used to be Earthaven members. They lived at Earthaven in the early days, helping to carve out a space in the forest. They helped build some of the very...

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The Wise Women of the Blue Ridge Are At It Again

If you plan to visit Earthaven the weekend of October 2-4, don’t expect to see many women. Not only do Earthaven and neighbor women organize the conference, but it has become such a draw that Earthaven is virtually “men-only” when the Earthaven and neighbor women head down the mountain to the...

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A Visit With Useful Plants Nursery

Alice Henry and Matt Kolosky (Southern Connecticut State University) interviewed Useful Plants Nursery Manager Bruce Johnston. Bruce took us on a tour of the nursery, pointing out plants and answering questions as we went. We began our tour by visiting some of the medicinal and edible shrubs that...

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Forest children seedlings

by Tanya Carwyn The Seedlings Program is the early childhood part of the Forest Children Parents’ Cooperative. It is inspired by Waldorf education, a way of teaching and being with children devised by turn-of-the-last-century scientist and philosopher Rudolf Steiner (who is also the father...

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$7,000 Grant to Offer Support to Local Organic Farmers

In January, 2007, Culture’s Edge, the nonprofit educational organization founded and staffed by Earthaven members, received its first grant: $7,000, from the North Carolina-based resourceful Communities Program.”We applied for the grant to help Culture’s Edge develop into a more...

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