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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Coffee Hour Market

Coffee Hour was started by Earthaven member Suchi in the summer of 2009. She was looking for a way to increase social opportunities and support the village economy. One picnic table outside the Trading Post held the coffee, tea, muffins, goods for trade–and all of us. Every Tuesday morning...

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Village Arts Building Takes Shape and You Can Help Too!

by Arjuna da Silva, Earthaven Founder and natural building enthusiast An exciting development on Another Way this year has been the slow but steady progress on the Village Arts Building (VAB). Located right before the entrance to Useful Plants Nursery and the Third Creek Crossing, the VAB is...

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Thank You, Transition Towns!

By Diana Leafe Christian, Earthaven Airspinner Some of my friends in Ashland, Oregon celebrating their town’s Transition Initiative with a parade and floats!           The way I see it, Transition Towns (now called Transition Initiatives) are doing exactly what Ecovillage...

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