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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Forest children seedlings

by Tanya Carwyn The Seedlings Program is the early childhood part of the Forest Children Parents’ Cooperative. It is inspired by Waldorf education, a way of teaching and being with children devised by turn-of-the-last-century scientist and philosopher Rudolf Steiner (who is also the father...

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$7,000 Grant to Offer Support to Local Organic Farmers

In January, 2007, Culture’s Edge, the nonprofit educational organization founded and staffed by Earthaven members, received its first grant: $7,000, from the North Carolina-based resourceful Communities Program.”We applied for the grant to help Culture’s Edge develop into a more...

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The time has finally come for Sweat Equity at Earthaven

By Ivy Lynn Over the years Earthaven has tried to prioritize agriculture, and to provide ways for skilled folks to be able to be at Earthaven even if they hadn’t amassed savings. First site option 3 was created. It allowed a few people to be here, but it just delayed their inevitable need...

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News from Council Hall

By Ivy Lynn In our Council Hall, the new and gorgeous, luminescent granite and marble mosaic floor is finally finished! The design for the floor was created by Jessica Evans and provided an opportunity for Earthaven to support sweat equity by approval of Jessica’s proposal to barter half...

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The 9th Continental Bioregional Congress

Earthaven Ecovillage, July 2005 Over five months later, we offer these highlights from Cathy’s daily reports: People came from all over the country, from the Ozarks, Chesapeake Bay, Minnesota, the Great Lakes, Florida, California, Puget Sound, Texas, Mississippi, and Maine; from as far...

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