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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

New Micro-hydro Plant Amps Up – Adds Power for Two Neighborhoods

above: Spillway at the new micro-hydro installation.  At long last, the second micro-hydro station at Earthaven is up and running, serving the delighted residents of Medicine Wheel and Bellavia Gardens neighborhoods. Through an ingenious design by neighbor Leon Birstein, each neighborhood is...

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Hut Hamlet Solar Microgrid Installed!

by Chris Farmer with Arjuna da Silva   The Hut Hamlet’s kitchen/bathhouse — central distribution area for the neighborhood’s Microgrid.   In June, twenty-two residents of the Hut Hamlet neighborhood became owner/users of the first electric Microgrid at Earthaven! Chris...

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Hut Hamlet Installs New Electric MicroGrid by Chris Farmer

by Chris Farmer Brandon and Farmer with the microgrid solar panels In June, residents of the Hut Hamlet became owners/users of the first electric microgrid at Earthaven! Chris Farmer designed the grid with help from Brandon Greenstein. Code for mastering, monitoring and metering usage was written...

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VT Gets a Solar Upgrade

by Bob Lienhart Village Terraces Cohousing Neighborhood just completed a multi-faceted upgrade to their power, heating, and domestic hot water (DHW) systems and the neighborhood is now enjoying the results. Domestic hot water for the main building had been provided by a wood-burning stove. The...

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Chris Farmer presents his dream for an Appalachian Machu Picchu

One of the ways Earthaven honors longtime members is with Member Appreciation evenings – where the person tells their life story. In this clip from his story, Chris Farmer presents his vision for creating an Appalachian version of Machu Picchu in our village. Video of Appalachian Machu...

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