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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

What Can We Let Go Of?

This time of year in Southern Appalachia the waning heat and waxing cold converge to produce sights, sounds, and smells unlike any other season. This weekend’s convergence was resplendent here in our village, with the red leaves of the sourwood trees and the yellow leaves of the oaks and...

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Prevent Birds from Striking Windows – Update

 We love our birds here at Earthaven Ecovillage. It can be heartbreaking when one crashes into the window because it sees the sky reflected there. Up to one billion birds die each year as a result of window collisions in the United States alone. Since our earlier post, we have discovered several...

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Singing Snails And Rainbow Tails

Calling all childhood educators, teachers, counselors, parents, grandparents, and mentors. I don’t want you to miss out on this super informative (and also fun and inspiring) annual conference coming up June 18-20: Reaching Nature Connection: Singing Snails and Rainbow Tails. Singing from...

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Chickweed Song with Alinahh at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Alinahh: Okay, well I have a few things… more than a few….. but there are a few things I’m passionate about one of them is foraging. I like to call it original earth food or original earth garden food or original garden food rather than wild because it’s what we...

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Eating Bamboo Shoots with Esme at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Eme: Taking video of me peeling my bamboo shoots? Courtney Brooke: Yeah what are you doing Esme? Esme: Peeling a bamboo shoot! Courtney Brooke: What are you gonna do with that bamboo shoot? Esme: Eat it! Courtney Brooke: What? You can eat bamboo shoots? Esme: Yes! Courtney...

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