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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Earthaven Tiny Housing Boom

Simultaneously this year, three new members in three different neighborhoods are working on setting up their own unique versions of the tiny house. Near the front of the property, in the Forest Garden neighborhood, Liz Diaz and Joseph Rasband have just moved into their creation. Joseph built the...

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New Micro-hydro Plant Amps Up – Adds Power for Two Neighborhoods

above: Spillway at the new micro-hydro installation.  At long last, the second micro-hydro station at Earthaven is up and running, serving the delighted residents of Medicine Wheel and Bellavia Gardens neighborhoods. Through an ingenious design by neighbor Leon Birstein, each neighborhood is...

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Bellavia Gardens (among other neighborhoods) is Becoming a Co-op!

by Arjuna da Silva Some Earthaven neighborhoods are balancing collective and personal ownership issues by forming housing cooperatives. While used in other parts of the country, housing co-ops are new in our region and could be a reasonable model for other ecovillages, especially in rural...

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Earthaven Fire Warden Starts Fire

by Arjuna da Silva Who better to start a fire than the “fire warden” of your local safety committee? My neighbor, Marjorie, stood firewoman duty around a burn of dead and diseased tree stock and other brush that she and neighbor Gaspar recently set on an overcast day that promised to rain …...

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Member Profile: Gaspar Robles

by Rae Jean A couple of days ago I had a most pleasant visit with Gaspar. We sipped hot herbal tea, munched on pecans and exchanged some wonderful stories at his cozy space in the Bellavia Gardens neighborhood. Gaspar came to Earthaven in the summer of 2003 and became a member soon after. He is...

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Lessons in Bamboo: Love it but Don’t Leave it Alone

by Arjuna da Silva Previous owners gifted Earthaven’s main street with a healthy stand of bamboo that’s now prolific near the Forest Garden Learning Center. Early Earthaven members added additional stands around the community. What a beautiful and useful plant (we thought)! Bamboo IS...

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