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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

My House Got Plastered!

It’s a long-time Earthaven Ecovillage tradition. When a house is ready for its exterior plaster coating, we have a big party and invite all our friends. Dozens of Earthaven houses have gotten their pretty exterior face that way. It makes the work much more fun and the project goes way...

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The Spring Greenhouse at Earthaven Ecovillage: Our Hope for the Summer

Transcription of The Spring Greenhouse at Earthaven Ecovillage: Our Hope for the Summer Courtney Brooke: Here we are in the greenhouse at Full Circle Farm at Earthaven Ecovillage in the early spring. Here it’s raining, it’s kind of cold outside and here is what...

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Agriculture is Blooming!

In March, two lambs were born to Carla, the ewe who shares the Imani Field pasture with Bridget, the two-year-old Dexter cow, and flocks of Muscovy ducks and Rhode Island Red chickens. Imani Field managers Lee Warren and Mihaly Bartalos are leasing the quarter-acre field just downhill from their...

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Gateway: Solutions in the Face of Insufficiency

by Ivy Lynn The bright, creative thinking and dedicated, diligent work of Chris Farmer and Brian Love are the stuff of future Earthaven legends. Folks are always wanting to know what amazing things they’ve been up to. Considering their plan for Gateway Field, we will probably not be...

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