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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Hut Hamlet Work Project: Ferrocement Cistern Tank Gets an Upgrade

Transcript of Hut Hamlet Work Project: Ferrocement Cistern Tank Gets an Upgrade Good morning on the cusp of spring and summer. Today is an exciting day. Not only is it my favorite little person’s first birthday, but also we’re having a neighborhood work party to continue building...

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Solar Hot Water at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video): Courtney Brooke: Good morning Zev. Zev: Good morning. Courtney Brooke: What are you doing? Zev: I just took the cover off our solar hot water panel. It was covered for the winter and now the sun is hitting it. I let water in and that’s going to be heating water up...

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AlnoCulture; Alder Tree as a living trellis with Courtney Brooke at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Good morning, it’s Courtney Brooke here. I wanted to show you another exciting plant in our landscape which is called an Alder. It’s a tree; it’s these trees here. This is a baby one. It was planted about …maybe two years ago....

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The Hut Hamlet Neighborhood at Earthaven Ecovillage. An Origin Story.

Transcript from video Paul: I’m Paul Caron and I’m a resident of the Earthaven neighborhood which is called the Hut Hamlet The reason why it’s called the Hut Hamlet… It was originally called the neotribal village, there’s a story behind all that that I’m not gonna tell...

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Hut Hamlet Solar Microgrid Installed!

by Chris Farmer with Arjuna da Silva   The Hut Hamlet’s kitchen/bathhouse — central distribution area for the neighborhood’s Microgrid.   In June, twenty-two residents of the Hut Hamlet neighborhood became owner/users of the first electric Microgrid at Earthaven! Chris...

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Hut Hamlet Installs New Electric MicroGrid by Chris Farmer

by Chris Farmer Brandon and Farmer with the microgrid solar panels In June, residents of the Hut Hamlet became owners/users of the first electric microgrid at Earthaven! Chris Farmer designed the grid with help from Brandon Greenstein. Code for mastering, monitoring and metering usage was written...

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Hut Hamlet Trampoline

Hut Hamlet Trampoline A video by Will Rogers: hht from will rogers on Vimeo.   Transcript of Hut Hamlet Trampoline We assembld the HHT. The Hut Hamlet Trampoline. And we did not call on Aura, the seven year old boy most excited about the toy who lives in a house in the background....

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