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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Chicken Wrangling at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcription from the Chicken Wrangling NikiAnne: We’re out here at the horn of plenty field with nutter, the great pyrenees and a bunch of chicks.Broiler chicks.And some wranglers.So that these chicks are protected from the hawks.They obviously have a mind of their...

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Earthaven Tiny Housing Boom

Simultaneously this year, three new members in three different neighborhoods are working on setting up their own unique versions of the tiny house. Near the front of the property, in the Forest Garden neighborhood, Liz Diaz and Joseph Rasband have just moved into their creation. Joseph built the...

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We love you, Rosetta! – Rosetta Neff, Earthaven’s Oldest Member, Passes Away

Rosetta Neff, Earthaven’s eldest member—who celebrated her 100th birthday at Earthaven in January—passed away at Solace Hospice in Asheville on May 17th. Many of her closest friends and neighbors from Earthaven visited her at the hospice. Her daughter, Diana Leafe Christian, also an Earthaven...

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Eldest Earthavener, Rosetta Neff, celebrates a century!

We glimpsed Rosetta’s beginnings in Indiana, her early move to and marriage in Los Angeles, her family’s move to Hawaii and her own world travels while a career employee with the airlines. Perhaps the most enticing pictures of all were those of Rosetta we were told she sent to her husband when...

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Our Rosetta Turns 99!

By Diana Leafe Christian Earthaven member Rosetta Neff celebrated her 99th birthday here January 3, 2015. She may be the world’s oldest ecovillager! When Rosetta began visiting Earthaven with her daughter, Diana, in October, 2000, both were living an hour away In Polk County. They had been...

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Forest Garden Neighborhood, July 20, 2010

Chioke, Amakiasu, & Ayo in Forest Garden Neighborhood On her next-to-last day at Earthaven, our Forest Children’s Collective tutor Amakiasu (center), and her kids Chioke, 17 (left) and Ayo, 13 (right), sheet-mulched the slope between Greg’s homesite and our place with cardboard...

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