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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Behind the Scenes – the Big Day

The Big Day, as it is so often referred to, is not merely a symbol of two people sharing their devotion in the company of loved ones; all too often it also represents the internalized values of consumer culture. This means that stress, pressure, and anxiety make as much of an entrance as wedding...

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Beloved Member, Friend, Community Leader Kimchi Rylander passes away at 56

by Sarah Anne Amazon     Kimchi Rylander came into my life 10 years ago at the Southeastern Permaculture gathering in Celo, NC. In the last year of her life, we were on “The Divine Feminine” committee for the gathering and when we met she would share her perspective,...

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We love you, Rosetta! – Rosetta Neff, Earthaven’s Oldest Member, Passes Away

Rosetta Neff, Earthaven’s eldest member—who celebrated her 100th birthday at Earthaven in January—passed away at Solace Hospice in Asheville on May 17th. Many of her closest friends and neighbors from Earthaven visited her at the hospice. Her daughter, Diana Leafe Christian, also an Earthaven...

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Missing Finch

Lee “Finch” Finks passed away on June 20, after several years of declining health. He was 80. He joined Earthaven in 2006 after retiring from a career as librarian and then professor of library science. He will be remembered for his warm, friendly manner; his love for family and friends; and his...

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Our Rosetta Turns 99!

By Diana Leafe Christian Earthaven member Rosetta Neff celebrated her 99th birthday here January 3, 2015. She may be the world’s oldest ecovillager! When Rosetta began visiting Earthaven with her daughter, Diana, in October, 2000, both were living an hour away In Polk County. They had been...

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Earthaven Celebrates 20th Anniversary with “Intimate” Gathering of 125 Local Friends and Neighbors!

Twenty years ago on September 11, 1994, a dozen people so disillusioned with existing options for satisfying, life-affirming living situations, put their hands and available capital together to put Earthaven Ecovillage on the Western North Carolina map. This year, in the midst of much rethinking...

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The Wedding of Kaitlin & Bruce

by Arjuna da Silva   It seems the whole month of May was taken up with the preparations for THE wedding. The village was abuzz with excitement and anticipation for the May 25th event. It was one of those times when everyone comes together to celebrate the same wonderful thing, and old...

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Interview with Brandon Greenstein – Neighbor, friend, and former member

by Arjuna da Silva Brandon came to Earthaven in 1998 in pursuit of meaningful connection to Earth and Spirit. “When I discovered permaculture in Communities magazine, I realized organic farming, natural building and ecovillage lifestyle were what I was after.” The following year, he returned to...

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