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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Village Kids Are Alive With Curiosity

The kids at Earthaven know way more local plants than they do corporate logos. I consider this a great success. In fact, when I bring friends to visit Earthaven Ecovillage, they’re always amazed at how present, enlivened, and curious the children are. Children at Earthaven are woven into...

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Singing Snails And Rainbow Tails

Calling all childhood educators, teachers, counselors, parents, grandparents, and mentors. I don’t want you to miss out on this super informative (and also fun and inspiring) annual conference coming up June 18-20: Reaching Nature Connection: Singing Snails and Rainbow Tails. Singing from...

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Eating Bamboo Shoots with Esme at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Eme: Taking video of me peeling my bamboo shoots? Courtney Brooke: Yeah what are you doing Esme? Esme: Peeling a bamboo shoot! Courtney Brooke: What are you gonna do with that bamboo shoot? Esme: Eat it! Courtney Brooke: What? You can eat bamboo shoots? Esme: Yes! Courtney...

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Village School Overview with Gabriel at Earthaven Ecovillage (Three Part Series)

Part 1 Moving to the Forest Garden Gabriel: I am really excited because the village school is moving to a new location. We’re going to be out here in the forest gardens. Behind me, right here is the forest garden. An area that’s been through a million different iterations, different...

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Esme and the AMAAAZZZING Willow tree at Earthaven Ecovillage

Courtney Brooke: Wow, here we are. What kind of trees are those Esme? Esme: They’re willow trees. Courtney Brooke: Woah. They have such furry little blossoms. Esme: Blossoms. Courtney Brooke: I think they’re called catkins. What were you telling me about the willow tree? Esme:...

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Naia’s Garden at Earthaven Ecovillage

Courtney Brooke: It’s a beautiful Wednesday morning garden session over here at the Gateway neighborhood. That’s some little garden gnome over here… Good morning yarrow! Good morning snapdragons! Good morning oregano! Sam: Wow! Like a little special plant kind of in the mix you know...

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Chicken Wrangling at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcription from the Chicken Wrangling NikiAnne: We’re out here at the horn of plenty field with nutter, the great pyrenees and a bunch of chicks.Broiler chicks.And some wranglers.So that these chicks are protected from the hawks.They obviously have a mind of their...

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The Value of Happiness and Connection

  Add value to your and your loved ones’ lives by spending quality time in nature… observing, playing, laughing, and exploring. Below are nature adventures and activities as well as some perspective from Lia Grippo, Reaching Nature Connection Conference Instructor and our colleagues...

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