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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Meet My Friend Steve

Have you ever met one of those people that lives for the good of the whole? Someone that does everything with the collective in mind? It’s actually very rare. And I can only think of a couple of people in my life that fit this description. And for sure, that’s my friend Steve Torma.For his...

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Village Kids Are Alive With Curiosity

The kids at Earthaven know way more local plants than they do corporate logos. I consider this a great success. In fact, when I bring friends to visit Earthaven Ecovillage, they’re always amazed at how present, enlivened, and curious the children are. Children at Earthaven are woven into...

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My Firewood Stack

At Earthaven Ecovillage, we do a lot more “chop wood, carry water” than the average American. In some ways it makes life harder and in some ways it makes life better. Taking care of the physical world so that it can take care of me helps me stay embodied, humble, and connected to this...

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Spend A Week At My Place

We will play, we will tour, we will work, we will talk, we will learn, we will connect, we will grow. If you’ve been thinking of visiting or moving or emulating or experiencing Earthaven Ecovillage, now is your chance. You will experience many aspects of our imperfect but valiant attempts...

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Hut Hamlet Work Project: Ferrocement Cistern Tank Gets an Upgrade

Transcript of Hut Hamlet Work Project: Ferrocement Cistern Tank Gets an Upgrade Good morning on the cusp of spring and summer. Today is an exciting day. Not only is it my favorite little person’s first birthday, but also we’re having a neighborhood work party to continue building...

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Can We Tell The Truth About Our World?

Maybe you’re a sensitive soul, like me. Or a deep thinking one. For folks like us, telling the truth about our world, like how its tendencies towards extractive, consumptive, and irreverent behaviors can be disheartening, actually brings some relief. Congruence between words and actions...

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Creating Community With Women

I first read Anita Diamant’s book, The Red Tent, back in 2007. A few years later, in 2012, at a women’s gathering, hundreds of us watched Things We Don’t Talk About: Women’s Stories from the Red Tent, which documented the growing movement. There was clearly a great need to share,...

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Why have a lawn? When you can have this? Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Why have a lawn when you can have this….? There are so many pollinators out here. Honeybees and I see three different kinds of butterflies. I mean I’m just seeing hundreds of pollinators around me right now. I’m sitting in this patch of...

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Life Advice for Your 20 Year Old Self with Steve Torma at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke: Hi Steve. Steve: Hi. Courtney Brooke:  I was just noticing you know in my life the longing for more mentorship and elders. So I’ve been asking some people in my life who are who are more experienced and farther along the journey. If you could give...

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