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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Behind the Scenes – Care Bubbles

  What’s the children’s equivalent to social distancing? Gabriel Vieira, one of our community’s early childhood educators, has devised an answer: care bubbles! Here’s what Gabriel had to say about his “care bubble” lesson: “Social distancing is grown-up speak, technical, dry, even a bit...

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Behind the Scenes – the Big Day

The Big Day, as it is so often referred to, is not merely a symbol of two people sharing their devotion in the company of loved ones; all too often it also represents the internalized values of consumer culture. This means that stress, pressure, and anxiety make as much of an entrance as wedding...

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Celebrating the 2nd Annual Compassion Camp at Earthaven

  Over 100 people passionate about living and promoting compassionate consciousness gathered in August to learn, play, and celebrate together. It was a wonderful weekend full of life… smiles, tears, dancing, deep connections, new friendships, and wonderment filled the village. If you...

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The secret life of permaculture at Earthaven

Patricia embraced our permaculture vision without reservation, and impressed hundreds of students and work exchangers, as witnessed by the turnout for her funeral. Meanwhile, the underpinnings and impact of those principles on everyone and everything we do at Earthaven might easily be taken for...

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Changes, Changes, All Ways, Always! 

above: The mural of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, long the entry piece to the Forest Garden, finally came down after falling into disrepair. It had been a group painting inspired and led by early member Ananda Vedanta.    Earthaven’s mission is to be a learning model of what responsible...

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Food People: We are what, how and from where we eat!

For the living, food is a master course in survival and well-being. Our community members strive to learn how to grow and prepare soil to cultivate vibrant, nourishing plants and animals, demonstrate a healthy balance between work, relaxation and celebration, and continue to develop a...

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Diana Leafe Christian FIC’s Communitarian of the Year!

Diana Leafe Christian, international author, workshop leader, and advocate for ecovillages, community living, and the Sociocracy governance method, receives the Fellowship for Intentional Community’s (FIC) 2018 Geoph Kozeny Communitarian Award at the West Coast Communities Conference in San...

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