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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Recent Childrens’ Performance Delights the House

Nothing seems to entertain us and our neighbors more than the simple, sweet and even silly performances our children regale us with from time to time. Most recently, Tricia Baehr coordinated a multi-media event with music, dance, theatrics and short films with the children of Earthaven and the...

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Earthaven Celebrates 20th Anniversary with “Intimate” Gathering of 125 Local Friends and Neighbors!

Twenty years ago on September 11, 1994, a dozen people so disillusioned with existing options for satisfying, life-affirming living situations, put their hands and available capital together to put Earthaven Ecovillage on the Western North Carolina map. This year, in the midst of much rethinking...

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Local Economics at Work: Earthaven’s Bizarre Bazaar

by River Otter Earthaven’s annual holiday Bazaar is one of our community’s focal points for creating economics on the village scale. Each year in December, Earthaven members, neighbors, friends and visitors gather in the Council Hall for an afternoon of food, fun, games, and holiday vending....

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Ancestor Feast

On Day of the Dead (November 1-2), which is celebrated in so many cultures, we hold an Ancestors Feast. It includes a ritual of sweeping out the old and setting intentions for the new year, many wonderful songs, an ancestral potluck feast, and stories and toasts to those who’ve gone before...

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Coffee Hour Market

Coffee Hour was started by Earthaven member Suchi in the summer of 2009. She was looking for a way to increase social opportunities and support the village economy. One picnic table outside the Trading Post held the coffee, tea, muffins, goods for trade–and all of us. Every Tuesday morning...

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