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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

The Toe Bone & the Tooth

an Interview of Zev Friedman by Lee Walker Warren On May 7th a very special gathering took place at Earthaven, with members and friends come from near and far.  Zev Friedman was one of the main creators.  Lee: What is the Toe Bone & the Tooth? Zev: It is an ancient Mayan epic myth as told by...

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Hut Hamlet Trampoline

Hut Hamlet Trampoline A video by Will Rogers: hht from will rogers on Vimeo.   Transcript of Hut Hamlet Trampoline We assembld the HHT. The Hut Hamlet Trampoline. And we did not call on Aura, the seven year old boy most excited about the toy who lives in a house in the background....

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Santosha (Contentment) Through Yoga

by Marjorie Vestal Tuesday afternoon, bright winter sun is shining into my Earthaven home warming the entire cozy space. Strong solar rays are captured and stored as I sit and write. It is quiet today. The wind is still. I feel content as I contemplate the yoga class I will teach this afternoon...

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Try a new twist February 14th

by Arjuna da Silva If you’ve ever survived an awkward February 14, when others fuss over romances and secret crushes, while your “significant” relationships seem humdrum…or worse…you might like this practice as much as we do. The concept came to us from Twin Oaks Community in Virginia and, for...

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Impromptu Middle-of-the-Night Lunar Eclipse Party

Being and on-and-off-again insomniac, it is not unusual for me to wander down into our common kitchen at 3:00 am for a snack. My insomnia is worse around the full moon or if there’s too much on my mind. And it’s almost always accompanied by hunger, which won’t let me sleep again...

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Honoring the Dark Time of Year

by Kailtlin Hetzner The air is brisk and cool, the leaves turn the beautiful shades of autumn, the summer is gone and the season calls us inward. It is time to prepare for winter—not only physically for the cold but a slowing down in other ways too. We are approaching Halloween, All Hallows...

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