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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Why have a lawn? When you can have this? Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Why have a lawn when you can have this….? There are so many pollinators out here. Honeybees and I see three different kinds of butterflies. I mean I’m just seeing hundreds of pollinators around me right now. I’m sitting in this patch of...

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Life Advice for Your 20 Year Old Self with Steve Torma at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke: Hi Steve. Steve: Hi. Courtney Brooke:  I was just noticing you know in my life the longing for more mentorship and elders. So I’ve been asking some people in my life who are who are more experienced and farther along the journey. If you could give...

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Chickweed Song with Alinahh at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Alinahh: Okay, well I have a few things… more than a few….. but there are a few things I’m passionate about one of them is foraging. I like to call it original earth food or original earth garden food or original garden food rather than wild because it’s what we...

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Eating Bamboo Shoots with Esme at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Eme: Taking video of me peeling my bamboo shoots? Courtney Brooke: Yeah what are you doing Esme? Esme: Peeling a bamboo shoot! Courtney Brooke: What are you gonna do with that bamboo shoot? Esme: Eat it! Courtney Brooke: What? You can eat bamboo shoots? Esme: Yes! Courtney...

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Artichoke Patch in Courtney Brooke’s Garden at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Good morning. I wanted to show you something really exciting in my garden. This is my artichoke patch. I got several artichokes here some different kinds that I’m experimenting with. I planted them just last year so they’re about a year old. I...

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Five of my favorite moments at Earthaven Ecovillage with Steve Torma

Transcript from Video: Hi folks, my name’s Steve Torma, and I’m coming to you from Earthaven Ecovillage. I’d like to share with you five of my favorite moments of being here at Earthaven since the beginning really. The probably the first one that comes to my mind is the first...

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Village School Overview with Gabriel at Earthaven Ecovillage (Three Part Series)

Part 1 Moving to the Forest Garden Gabriel: I am really excited because the village school is moving to a new location. We’re going to be out here in the forest gardens. Behind me, right here is the forest garden. An area that’s been through a million different iterations, different...

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ClubCar: Our golf cart with a solar panel on top at Earthaven Ecovillage

  Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Here’s our new ride, the club car. It’s a golf cart for cruising around Earthaven, but the news about it is that it’s got a solar panel on top so you can charge it with electricity.   But that’s pretty challenging to do when...

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