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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Prevent Birds from Striking Windows – Update

 We love our birds here at Earthaven Ecovillage. It can be heartbreaking when one crashes into the window because it sees the sky reflected there. Up to one billion birds die each year as a result of window collisions in the United States alone. Since our earlier post, we have discovered several...

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Village Kids Are Alive With Curiosity

The kids at Earthaven know way more local plants than they do corporate logos. I consider this a great success. In fact, when I bring friends to visit Earthaven Ecovillage, they’re always amazed at how present, enlivened, and curious the children are. Children at Earthaven are woven into...

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Why have a lawn? When you can have this? Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Why have a lawn when you can have this….? There are so many pollinators out here. Honeybees and I see three different kinds of butterflies. I mean I’m just seeing hundreds of pollinators around me right now. I’m sitting in this patch of...

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Take up all the parking spaces with Cover Crop: Rye & Vetch at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Good morning! Happy Beltane! Remember all that rye? It was like taller than my head. This is all it there in the background. It got mowed down. The awesome thing about this rye is that it’ a cover crop. So the cover crop here is rye and vetch and they grow...

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Elderberries with Lyndon at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Elderberry Mother Plant and Rootings Lyndon: Hello everyone. This is a rooting that we did from a plant called the Magnolia Elderberry. It has nothing to do with magnolia plant. It’s just a variety name. We keep them in water for a while and change out the water two...

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Mulching with Leon from Full Circle Farm at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke:  Good Morning Leon. What are you doing? Leon: We are mulching. You take the cover crop and we’re spreading it out so no weeds will grow through. And no sun will hit the ground. And we’re gonna move this greenhouse onto it. Then plant some...

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Roadside Agroforestry in North Georgia with Courtney Brooke

(Transcript from Video) Courtney Brooke: Well, we’re not at Earthaven, but you know I’m still on planet earth and just seeing this. I’m on the side of the highway in north Georgia. I’m like driving by and I’m like:  Wow! look at those trees blooming. Then I realized...

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Cover Crop Conditions Soil, turning clay into black soil with Leon at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from Video: Starting with Clay, Working with Cover Crop Courtney Brooke:  Okay Leon what’s happening? Leon: We’re gonna just show you what this is doing to the soil. What this cover crop method is…..Yeah, think of it as a massage. This is massaging the soil and all...

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Sweet Potatoes, Turmeric, Ginger, and more in the Spring Greenhouse at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from Video: Courtney Brooke:  Who have we got here? Sweet potatoes. Hello different kind of sweet potatoes! Hello another kind of sweet potatoes. We must love sweet potatoes! Oh and what is this? sweet potatoes. What is this? Saawwwwheat potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet...

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