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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Seasons Changing: Beltaine Traditions at Earthaven

Kaitlin Ilya Wolf, author of this article Earthaven is like two different villages in the winter and summer. In winter all the leaves are off the trees and everything in the village feels closer together. I can see buildings in other neighborhoods and mountain horizon around us. When the leaves...

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Five of my favorite moments at Earthaven Ecovillage with Steve Torma

Transcript from Video: Hi folks, my name’s Steve Torma, and I’m coming to you from Earthaven Ecovillage. I’d like to share with you five of my favorite moments of being here at Earthaven since the beginning really. The probably the first one that comes to my mind is the first...

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Behind the Scenes – the Big Day

The Big Day, as it is so often referred to, is not merely a symbol of two people sharing their devotion in the company of loved ones; all too often it also represents the internalized values of consumer culture. This means that stress, pressure, and anxiety make as much of an entrance as wedding...

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Beltaine – one of Earthaven’s favorite celebrations!

by Melissa Lemoing (aka River Otter) On Sunday, April 30, we celebrated Beltaine, or May Day, the holiday mid-way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, which celebrates the full flowering of the powerful energy of Springtime. In lighting the Bel-fire together we take part in an...

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Beloved Member, Friend, Community Leader Kimchi Rylander passes away at 56

by Sarah Anne Amazon     Kimchi Rylander came into my life 10 years ago at the Southeastern Permaculture gathering in Celo, NC. In the last year of her life, we were on “The Divine Feminine” committee for the gathering and when we met she would share her perspective,...

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