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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Is Place Important? – Virtual Tour

Back in the winter, I attended my friend Lee Warren’s workshop on “Place-Based Living at Earthaven Ecovillage.” She talked at length about place. Specifically, she suggested that “we are cosmological orphans” in part because we aren’t connected to place. I’ve been sitting with that...

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Beauty on the Bridge – A Wonder of the World!

by Gaspar Robles   I took on the bridge project because I had a vision of a thing of beauty at the crossroads of our community. My plans originally included more extensive stonework, but in the end I settled for a strong and simple foundation with a pyramid at one end. I collected stones for...

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News from the Village – A Recent Visit from Michael Dowd

Evolutionary evangelist and author Rev. Michael Dowd visited Earthaven recently on a Southeastern tour. In presentations on May 18 and 19 he provided important input on two of the most critical issues facing us as an ecovillage: How do we deal with our inner and interpersonal realities so we can...

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