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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Building Community Through Ritual

  Above: 2017 Ancestor Feast Altar featuring Chuck, Suchi and Kimchi   by NikiAnne Feinberg   Rituals to help land-based and regional communities process what has happened and is happening in our world are so powerful. We look to ritual to help us digest the unsavory and the...

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Diana Leafe Christian FIC’s Communitarian of the Year!

Diana Leafe Christian, international author, workshop leader, and advocate for ecovillages, community living, and the Sociocracy governance method, receives the Fellowship for Intentional Community’s (FIC) 2018 Geoph Kozeny Communitarian Award at the West Coast Communities Conference in San...

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Beltaine – one of Earthaven’s favorite celebrations!

by Melissa Lemoing (aka River Otter) On Sunday, April 30, we celebrated Beltaine, or May Day, the holiday mid-way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, which celebrates the full flowering of the powerful energy of Springtime. In lighting the Bel-fire together we take part in an...

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Beloved Member, Friend, Community Leader Kimchi Rylander passes away at 56

by Sarah Anne Amazon     Kimchi Rylander came into my life 10 years ago at the Southeastern Permaculture gathering in Celo, NC. In the last year of her life, we were on “The Divine Feminine” committee for the gathering and when we met she would share her perspective,...

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Coming of Age in Community – Mira Tieman Turns 18, and we celebrate!

Our teenagers keep growing, and soon the oldest ones will no longer be teens. Mira Biddle Tieman, first baby of a member born since Earthaven began, spent as much time living at Earthaven as her Mom, Tara, could conjure, while living and working in Asheville the rest of the time. They traveled...

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We love you, Rosetta! – Rosetta Neff, Earthaven’s Oldest Member, Passes Away

Rosetta Neff, Earthaven’s eldest member—who celebrated her 100th birthday at Earthaven in January—passed away at Solace Hospice in Asheville on May 17th. Many of her closest friends and neighbors from Earthaven visited her at the hospice. Her daughter, Diana Leafe Christian, also an Earthaven...

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