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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Eldest Earthavener, Rosetta Neff, celebrates a century!

We glimpsed Rosetta’s beginnings in Indiana, her early move to and marriage in Los Angeles, her family’s move to Hawaii and her own world travels while a career employee with the airlines. Perhaps the most enticing pictures of all were those of Rosetta we were told she sent to her husband when...

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Rites of Passage for Teens

by Arjuna da Silva This past year, Michelle Dionne and Brent Hickey’s mutual interest and experience in mentoring youth found a ripe group of adolescents, at and near Earthaven, eager to work with them towards meaningful rites of passage. The program went so well that they’ve planned a year-long...

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Annual Feast Celebrates Ancestors

  Our annual Ancestors Feast brings members, residents, friends and neighbors together in the Council Hall to highlight stories of beloved friends, family and teachers who have gone before us.   When we all gather for a feast in the Council Hall, it takes all our tables arranged in a...

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How Children Fare in Community

by Diana Leafe Christian Daniel Greenberg, who in 2015 was elected President of the Global Ecovillage Network, wrote his thesis for a Ph.D. in child psychology on the emotional well-being of children in intentional communities. He surveyed 235 or so intentional communities in the U.S. and...

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Missing Finch

Lee “Finch” Finks passed away on June 20, after several years of declining health. He was 80. He joined Earthaven in 2006 after retiring from a career as librarian and then professor of library science. He will be remembered for his warm, friendly manner; his love for family and friends; and his...

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Grief Rituals in Our Communities: Partnering with our Ancestors to Compost our Grief

  Why a grief ritual? We all experience pain and loss in life – conflict, illness, disappointed dreams, broken relationships, loved ones who die or suffer, even inherited or ancestral pain…. Having healthful ways to release that pain and regularly cleanse that space inside ourselves, helps...

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Restorative Circles Conference a Success!

by Diana Leafe Christian Over a hundred people from all over the US gathered at Earthaven, June 4-7, for “Restorative Circles in Our Communities,” a conference with Restorative Circles (RC) founder Dominic Barter and facilitator/trainers Karl Stayaert and “Duke” Duchscherer. All three, as well...

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Beauty on the Bridge – A Wonder of the World!

by Gaspar Robles   I took on the bridge project because I had a vision of a thing of beauty at the crossroads of our community. My plans originally included more extensive stonework, but in the end I settled for a strong and simple foundation with a pyramid at one end. I collected stones for...

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