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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Learning Consensus at Earthaven

by Diana Leafe Christian   “This is harder than I thought!” exclaimed Ohbeeb. She was in front of the room practicing facilitating a meeting. She was saying, “Excuse me; would you like to get on the stack?” to another participant who was having fun pretending to be mildly disruptive. It was...

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Honoring the Dark Time of Year

by Kailtlin Hetzner The air is brisk and cool, the leaves turn the beautiful shades of autumn, the summer is gone and the season calls us inward. It is time to prepare for winter—not only physically for the cold but a slowing down in other ways too. We are approaching Halloween, All Hallows...

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Holivillage Ecodays!

by Arjuna da Silva From Samhain (the season that includes Halloween—“hallowed evening” on October 31st and the Day of the Dead on November 2nd) to New Year’s, the season of holy days and celebrations helps buffer the shift to increasingly cold weather.           Now in early December, many...

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The Wise Women of the Blue Ridge Are At It Again

If you plan to visit Earthaven the weekend of October 2-4, don’t expect to see many women. Not only do Earthaven and neighbor women organize the conference, but it has become such a draw that Earthaven is virtually “men-only” when the Earthaven and neighbor women head down the mountain to the...

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Earthaven Celebrates 15th Anniversary

  Earthaven’s 15th anniversary celebration began with the Founders’ Dinner on Thursday, September 10, and continued with a parade and ceremony Friday afternoon, September 11. Founders Paul Caron, Chuck Marsh, Lillah & Gary Schwartz, Michaeljon Druin, Sally & Randy...

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