Celebrating the Third Biennial Restorative Circles Conference
July’s Restorative Circles (RC) Conference hosted by Culture’s Edge at Earthaven brought together about 30 Restorative Justice and Nonviolent Communication practitioners from around the world to strengthen the network of resources for deep, global societal change, starting with right where we are. Using Open Space technology, the conference sessions were collaboratively curated on site. Sessions included: “notes from the field” of RC educators and practitioners, “semi-simulated circle” practice sessions, discussions about dealing with trauma and other hardships met in this work, and using RC with children and in families. The Conference enhanced the growing connections between those who’ve been working together over the past six years and those new to the group. If you’re interested in being a part of the planning and design for the next Restorative Circles Conference in 2021, email the Culture’s Edge staff at: .
Culture's Edge, nonviolent communication, NVC, restorative circles