Back in the winter, I attended my friend Lee Warren’s workshop on “Place-Based Living at Earthaven Ecovillage.”
She talked at length about place. Specifically, she suggested that “we are cosmological orphans” in part because we aren’t connected to place.
I’ve been sitting with that concept. Mulling it. Contemplating it. Considering it.
At Earthaven, we use the phrase “place-based” to describe our educational programs partly because we reside at Earthaven Ecovillage and all of our learning and teaching are born in that PLACE.
But also because we’re trying to become deep, respectful, and integrated inhabitants of this place.
Lee also went on to say, “In our culture, we seem to not know who we are, where we came from, where we are going, or who it’s for.”
So I’ve been asking myself some questions:
What does it mean to become familiar to place? To humble ourselves to place? To learn from place? To steward place? To become indigenous to place? To learn about the gifts of that place?
I’ve been settled in this particular place for almost fourteen years, even though I hail from a far different place (California). And I realize that I’m just starting to touch on the deeper understandings of the cycles, mysteries, and wisdom of this place.
Here are a couple of my favorite quotes about place: |