Five of my favorite moments at Earthaven Ecovillage with Steve Torma
Transcript from Video:
Hi folks, my name’s Steve Torma, and I’m coming to you from Earthaven Ecovillage. I’d like to share with you five of my favorite moments of being here at Earthaven since the beginning really.
The probably the first one that comes to my mind is the first day that we as a group ritually entered the land on September 11th 1994. We formed like a bird as we all walked in and it was just really special moment that I will always cherish.
The next one that comes to my mind is working on building the council hall. We did it all ourselves. We were kind of figuring it out as we went along. It was a lot of fun . It was very exciting; a lot of both playful and creative energy going on.
Another one for me is playing sports on the village green. Kickball has been one of my favorites because it’s so inclusive of people of so many different ages and skill levels. Especially watching the kids learning the rules and having fun. Making sure that we don’t keep score so that people feel bad and all that kind of thing. I just really have a lot of fun just being out there running around playing.
I’ve also had some great beautiful moments in the stream near the neighborhood where I live, Village Terraces. There’s this gorgeous stream and a little waterfall and it’s such, especially in the hot weather, it’s such a beautiful cooling nourishing sensual experience. I just so, so love that!
Then the last one is the most recent one. We just had a an NVC class so I call it a level three class and the level of connection between people was so sweet and nourishing to me. The depth of learning. All of us kind of learning together these beautiful principles that help make our lives more wonderful. On our final day we had a gift exchange kind of process where people just offered and asked for all things that they wanted to make our lives more wonderful together. That was a really nourishing experience for me as well the whole class was but especially that last day.
So thanks for listening and look forward to talking to you some more…
founding day, NVC, Steve Torma