Late Summer Abundance
Lammas, the traditional day to celebrate the bounties of the harvest season, falls at the beginning of August. It’s an appropriate time, when the earth’s growth gives forth her gifts.
Medicine Wheel Squash Flowers
Luscious Raspberries from the V.T. Garden
Hut Hamlet Blueberries
Echinacea seen throughout the land.
Red-ripe Tomatoes
Elderberries came on early this year.
Red Moon Herbs Skullcap, in full flower.
Hot Peppers & Onions from the V.T. Garden.
Magnolia Tree Fruit
The ever-lovely Passionflower
All photos (except the passionflower by Lee) were taken by Eli Swiftcreek.
Eli Swiftcreek has been living at Earthaven since Spring 2008 Before moving here, Eli was a full-time baker and urban communitarian. She brings her many skills and talents to EH. She and her family reside at Village Terraces, where she enjoys a life connected to the land.
celebrate, echinacea, elderberries, eli, Lammas, passionflower, skullcap