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Tag: ancestors

Beloved Member, Friend, Community Leader Kimchi Rylander passes away at 56

by Sarah Anne Amazon     Kimchi Rylander came into my life 10 years ago at the Southeastern Permaculture gathering in Celo, NC. In the last year of her life, we were on “The Divine Feminine” committee for the gathering and when we met she would share her perspective,...

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Living in Place – Three Big Blessings of Living at Earthaven

One: Taking charge of time All it takes is a few hours out in town or on the road to re-realize how differently we live out here at Earthaven. So many basics of daily life are different; time is different. Priorities have to be different—so we’ve made quite a bit of room in our relationships and...

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Annual Feast Celebrates Ancestors

  Our annual Ancestors Feast brings members, residents, friends and neighbors together in the Council Hall to highlight stories of beloved friends, family and teachers who have gone before us.   When we all gather for a feast in the Council Hall, it takes all our tables arranged in a...

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Grief Rituals in Our Communities: Partnering with our Ancestors to Compost our Grief

  Why a grief ritual? We all experience pain and loss in life – conflict, illness, disappointed dreams, broken relationships, loved ones who die or suffer, even inherited or ancestral pain…. Having healthful ways to release that pain and regularly cleanse that space inside ourselves, helps...

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Ancestor Feast

On Day of the Dead (November 1-2), which is celebrated in so many cultures, we hold an Ancestors Feast. It includes a ritual of sweeping out the old and setting intentions for the new year, many wonderful songs, an ancestral potluck feast, and stories and toasts to those who’ve gone before...

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