Tag: Andy Bosley
Courtney Brooke: Hey Andy!
Andy: Hey!
Courtney Brooke: What are you doing?
Andy: Well I’m moving the chickens to a fresh spot.
Courtney Brooke: Oh; good morning chickens! Well, that’s quite a lot of chickens. How many chickens is that?
Andy: Well, we started with a little over a...
Young Family, Farm Family
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Families and Children, Farms, Members, Persimmon Grove. No Comments on Young Family, Farm Family
Editor’s note: Andy Bosley and Julie McMahan have operated Yellowroot Farm at Earthaven continuously for ten years. During that time, they managed to incorporate the startup of three ag fields. The Hut Hamlet field was first leased in ’05, and the Horn of Plenty near the campground in about...
Becoming a Father
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Families and Children, Members. No Comments on Becoming a Father
by Andy Bosley
The tasks are many, and the time is scant. The urge to fit it all in flows hard against the need to develop rhythms with the new child.
The ideal vision is just over the edge, glimpsed for moments, bringing that deep sense of place, at other times seeming so distant that it causes...
Agriculture is Blooming!
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Farms, Forestry, Gateway, Regenerative Agriculture, Village Terraces. No Comments on Agriculture is Blooming!
In March, two lambs were born to Carla, the ewe who shares the Imani Field pasture with Bridget, the two-year-old Dexter cow, and flocks of Muscovy ducks and Rhode Island Red chickens. Imani Field managers Lee Warren and Mihaly Bartalos are leasing the quarter-acre field just downhill from their...
The time has finally come for Sweat Equity at Earthaven
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Membership, Village Economics. No Comments on The time has finally come for Sweat Equity at Earthaven
By Ivy Lynn
Over the years Earthaven has tried to prioritize agriculture, and to provide ways for skilled folks to be able to be at Earthaven even if they hadn’t amassed savings. First site option 3 was created. It allowed a few people to be here, but it just delayed their inevitable need...