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Tag: bioregional plants

Chickweed Song with Alinahh at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Alinahh: Okay, well I have a few things… more than a few….. but there are a few things I’m passionate about one of them is foraging. I like to call it original earth food or original earth garden food or original garden food rather than wild because it’s what we...

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Tour of the Cover Crop Mix with Zev at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke: What are you doing, Uncle Zev? Zev: I’m admiring this cover crop that Eli put down with veggie ladies. And Daikon’s flowering with all of their, so many insects, bumblebees and honeybees and little parasitic wasps and stuff, into their...

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AlnoCulture; Alder Tree as a living trellis with Courtney Brooke at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Courtney Brooke: Good morning, it’s Courtney Brooke here. I wanted to show you another exciting plant in our landscape which is called an Alder. It’s a tree; it’s these trees here. This is a baby one. It was planted about …maybe two years ago....

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