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Tag: celebration

Creating Culture and Community Through Ritual with Kaitlin Ilya Wolf

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast Creating Culture and Community Though Ritual with Kaitlin Ilya Wolf Broadcast July 3, 2022Featuring: Kaitlin Ilya Wolf and Sara Carter In this podcast, Kaitlin Ilya Wolf discusses how creating a cycle of annual seasonal rituals helps Earthaven ecovillagers sink...

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We love you, Rosetta! – Rosetta Neff, Earthaven’s Oldest Member, Passes Away

Rosetta Neff, Earthaven’s eldest member—who celebrated her 100th birthday at Earthaven in January—passed away at Solace Hospice in Asheville on May 17th. Many of her closest friends and neighbors from Earthaven visited her at the hospice. Her daughter, Diana Leafe Christian, also an Earthaven...

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Earthaven Celebrates 15th Anniversary

  Earthaven’s 15th anniversary celebration began with the Founders’ Dinner on Thursday, September 10, and continued with a parade and ceremony Friday afternoon, September 11. Founders Paul Caron, Chuck Marsh, Lillah & Gary Schwartz, Michaeljon Druin, Sally & Randy...

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