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Tag: children

Village School Overview with Gabriel at Earthaven Ecovillage (Three Part Series)

Part 1 Moving to the Forest Garden Gabriel: I am really excited because the village school is moving to a new location. We’re going to be out here in the forest gardens. Behind me, right here is the forest garden. An area that’s been through a million different iterations, different...

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Naia’s Garden at Earthaven Ecovillage

Courtney Brooke: It’s a beautiful Wednesday morning garden session over here at the Gateway neighborhood. That’s some little garden gnome over here… Good morning yarrow! Good morning snapdragons! Good morning oregano! Sam: Wow! Like a little special plant kind of in the mix you know...

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How Children Fare in Community

by Diana Leafe Christian Daniel Greenberg, who in 2015 was elected President of the Global Ecovillage Network, wrote his thesis for a Ph.D. in child psychology on the emotional well-being of children in intentional communities. He surveyed 235 or so intentional communities in the U.S. and...

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