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Tag: Cosmological reweaving

Life Advice for Your 20 Year Old Self with Steve Torma at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke: Hi Steve. Steve: Hi. Courtney Brooke:  I was just noticing you know in my life the longing for more mentorship and elders. So I’ve been asking some people in my life who are who are more experienced and farther along the journey. If you could give...

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Blood of Life Song with Kaitlin at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Kaitlin: I give away my blood of life to all my relations and I open my womb with delight. I give away my blood of life to all my relations and I open my womb with delight. I give away, give away, give away, give away I open my womb with delight. I give away my blood of...

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