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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Tag: council hall

Santosha (Contentment) Through Yoga

by Marjorie Vestal Tuesday afternoon, bright winter sun is shining into my Earthaven home warming the entire cozy space. Strong solar rays are captured and stored as I sit and write. It is quiet today. The wind is still. I feel content as I contemplate the yoga class I will teach this afternoon...

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Learning Consensus at Earthaven

by Diana Leafe Christian   “This is harder than I thought!” exclaimed Ohbeeb. She was in front of the room practicing facilitating a meeting. She was saying, “Excuse me; would you like to get on the stack?” to another participant who was having fun pretending to be mildly disruptive. It was...

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Holivillage Ecodays!

by Arjuna da Silva From Samhain (the season that includes Halloween—“hallowed evening” on October 31st and the Day of the Dead on November 2nd) to New Year’s, the season of holy days and celebrations helps buffer the shift to increasingly cold weather.           Now in early December, many...

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Village Arts Building – It’s a Sign!

Growing a community from the forest forward happens on so many levels. Creating decision-making protocols and gaining skill with them; discovering the lay of the land and working out site plans; developing infrastructure and sources of funding. Living with each other and deepening our...

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Council Hall Completion Campaign – Moving Ahead to Phase Three: We Need Your Help!

This fall we want to complete the Council Hall. We have a plan and most of the funding, but need to raise a little more money. We are all into the wisdom of ecological sustainability and intentional community, and creating a partnership culture — but it takes a lot of hard work and cash to get...

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